The Colours of the 1745 Association

The Statue of the Bonnie Prince, located in Derby

Glenfinnan, site of the raising of the Standard in 1745

The Colours of the 1745 Association

1745 Association
The Association library is located within the AK Bell Library, Perth.
Officially opened on 9th September 2022 as part of the members Annual Gathering.
Please refer to the News, Events & Articles page for further details.
The Full Catalogue can be accessed via this link.
Welcome Fáilte Bienvenue Benvenuto Bienvenido Witam
Welcome to the website of the 1745 Association.
The 1745 Association is a Scottish Charitable incorporated Organisation (SCIO) regulated by The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR),Scottish Charity Number: SC050640
The Association is a non-political historical association, the objectives of which are:-
To study the Jacobite period.
To record and preserve the memory of those who actively participated in, or who had connections with the '45.
To mark the appropriate historical sites.
To endeavour to safeguard the Jacobite heritage
A warm and friendly welcome is extended to all who share an interest in Jacobite history and in particular the events of the 1745 Rising and its aftermath.
We encourage you to consider joining our growing membership. Full details of the benefits and how to join can be found via the link on the left or the Contact Us / Join Us page.
If you would like to make a donation towards commemorating the sites and people involved in the '45 Risings, please use the PayPal button below.