Join Us
Here are some of the reasons why you should become a member of the 1745 Association:
The Associations Annual Gathering is the occasion for meeting and greeting members from all parts of the world during a programme of visits and talks about matters of Jacobite interest. The Gathering is generally conducted over a weekend in September and consists of places to visit of interest, ranging from battle sites to private country houses with Jacobite connections, an AGM and a very sociable Annual Dinner with musical entertainment, piping and a guest speaker.
The Associations Journal "The Jacobite" is published three times a year and is sent to all members , either by post or e-mail (eJacobite) dependent on membership. This enjoyable and interesting journal contains articles, book reviews and other items of historical interest relation to the '45 Rising and the Jacobite period generally.
Annual Lecture & Culloden Commemoration in April each year is sponsored by the Association in partnership with the National Trust for Scotland at the Trust's Culloden Visitor Centre, and Association members participate in the annual Commemoration Service the following day.
Global - eJacobite - Single "eJacobite" Membership (e-mailed copy of The Jacobite") is £7 with Joint "eJacobite" Membership at £9 per annum.
UK - Jacobite Hard Copy - Single "Hard Copy" Membership (printed copy of The Jacobite") is £25 with Joint "Hard Copy" Membership at £30 per annum.
Overseas - Jacobite Hard Copy - Single "Hard Copy" Membership (printed copy of The Jacobite") is £30 with Joint "Hard Copy" Membership at £35 per annum.
Membership runs in line with the calendar year with renewals due on 1st January, however if you join during October to December you will be granted these 3 months free of charge.
Just fill out the online form below, submit it and then use the PayPal button at the bottom to pay your membership fee. The PayPal option can be used for renewals also.
If you prefer to download a form to be printed and sent with a cheque please access the document here.
Please use this PayPal button below for your online membership fees, new or renewal,
entering the appropriate pricing quoted above the form.

Please use the contact form to advise of any renewals made via PayPal if your account name is not obviously recognisable.